Your PayPal email address can be different from your StubHub email address. You can add up to 8 email addresses to your PayPal account to claim your payment.  


  1. Log into your PayPal account
  2. Click the gear icon
  3. Under Email, click the sign
  4. Add the email address. Then Add email.

Update your PayPal email address in your StubHub account 

  1. Go to Profile > Settings. Click the Payment tab.
  2. Under Payment options for selling tickets, click the pencil next to the PayPal email to change it
  3. Make your changes and Save
  4. Contact us

If you don't have any PayPal account and the payment is being sent to PayPal

You will need to create a PayPal account by visiting PayPal UK website. It's free! 

For future payments, update your PayPal email address in your StubHub account. 

  1. Go to Profile > Settings. Click the Payment tab.
  2. Under Payment options for selling tickets, click the pencil next to the PayPal email to change it
  3. Make your changes and Save

Simply login to your PayPal account, and go to My Account > Profile. Click Add to add an email address and click Save to finish. Once the email address is confirmed, you can claim your payment.