To track your order, go to My tickets > Orders. You won't see your order until we confirm it (this can take up to 1 hour).

Review the possible statuses to track your order:

  • PurchasedYour order is confirmed. The seller should send it to the address you provided by the date in the listing.
    • Use the shipment's tracking info through View details to follow the delivery
    • If you requested a local address, the seller can't send your tickets until you list an address in the event city
  • In transit: Your tickets are in transit to your address. Use the shipment's tracking info to see where the tickets are.
  • Pickup: Our representative will contact you to deliver your tickets
  • LMS pick up: Click the LMS pickup details link under the order. Your tickets will be available on the specified date and time.
  • Delivered: Your order was delivered to the address you provided at checkout

To know more about the order's delivery statuses, please check this article.