When you list tickets on StubHub, the listing is on site and ready for someone to buy as soon as you publish it. Sometimes we need a little more info before your tickets are available.

  • Did you list tickets for pickup at Last Minute Services? Deliver the tickets to that location first.
  1. We emailed steps to ship or drop off the tickets to a specific address
  2. If you're shipping the tickets, use a traceable delivery service (UPS, FedEx, USPS Priority Mail, etc.)
  3. When they're delivered, Last Minute Services will activate the listing within about 3 hours
  • Did you enter barcodes when listing? There could be an issue with what you entered.
  1. Make sure you listed the tickets for the right event
  2. Double-check what you’re entering. You should enter barcodes exactly as they appear (with capital letters and dashes).
  3. If the info is right, we’ll review your listing within 24 hours. You don’t need to do anything.
  • Did you upload a PDF? It's possible there was an issue with the file and we need to review it.
    1. Make sure you uploaded the right file for the right event. Check the listing through My tickets > Listings
    2. Did you list the tickets more than once? Review your active listings, just in case.
    3. If the info is right, we’ll review your listing within 24 hours. You don’t need to do anything.

To see your pending listings, go to My ticketsListings and click the Pending tab. In the app, tap Sell and Pending listings.