To track your listing, go to My tickets > Listings

Review the possible statuses to track your ad:

  • Active: Your listing is confirmed.
  • PendingWhen you list tickets on StubHub, the listing is on site and ready for someone to buy as soon as you publish it. Sometimes we need a little more info before your tickets are available. Check this topic to know more. 
  • DeactivatedThe listing and its info is hidden to everyone but you in your StubHub account. What's the difference between deactivating and deleting a listing? 
    • Deactivating a listing: The listing and its info is hidden to everyone but you in your StubHub account. If you change your mind, you can reactivate it.
    • Deleting a listing: You remove all listing info from StubHub. You can't undo this action.
  • Expired: The listing is automatically deactivated because it didn't sell. You can't reactivate this listing or relist. We recommend you this article to understand the what is it. 
  • SaleYour tickets was sold. 

IMPORTANT TO KNOW. If you want to use the tickets, sell them elsewhere, or give them away, delete the listing.