There are two main reasons why you might not be able to find your listing. Here's an explanation for each scenario: 

Can't Find the Listing on the Website?

  1. Price Discrepancy:

    • The price displayed on the website ("Final Price") may differ from the price you initially set ("Desired Price"). When searching for your tickets, keep this difference in mind.
  2. "Last Minute" Service:

    • If the event is less than 5 days away, only authorized sellers can list tickets for sale due to our "Last Minute" Service. If you want your listing to stay active until the last minute, please contact us with your listing ID.

Can't Find the Listing in My Profile?

  1. New Listings:

    • Sometimes, a new listing takes a moment to appear under My Tickets > Listings. Try refreshing the page.
  2. Expired or Sold Listings:

    • Expired Listings:
      • Go to the Listings section in your profile and click on the Expired tab to see if your listing has expired.
    • Sold Tickets:
      • Check the Open and Completed tabs under My Tickets > Sales to see if your tickets have been sold.

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