PayPal is a safe and easy way for to buy tickets and get paid for selling tickets. Below we want to provide you the step by step to add in your profile. 


Buying or selling using this method

You can link a PayPal account to your StubHub account directly from your profile or at checkout.


Linking a PayPal account from your profile

  1. Go to Payments > Payout history
  2. Select the currency, choose Link your PayPal account to receive payments 
  3. Introduce your PayPal email address and then, tap on Save.


Linking a PayPal account at checkout

  1. At Review And Buy, click Add a new payment
  2. Select PayPal and then, you can choose between pay in full at once (by tapping on Pay with PayPal) or split it (Pay in 3 installments)*
  3. Login into your PayPal account and follow the steps


* Applicable only for certain types of transactions.


Changing my PayPal email address

To change your PayPal email address to buy tickets on StubHub :

  1. Go to Payments > Payout history
  2. Select the currency
  3. Next to your PayPal account email you will find a pencil icon. Click there and then, write a new or correct PayPal email address
  4. At latest, tap on Save



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