The In Hand Date (IHD) is the date by which you will physically have the tickets available for delivery to the buyer. You can deliver tickets before this date if they sell. Here's how you can update this date. 


Updating the In Hand Date on a listing

You can change anytime before the tickets are sold.

  • Changing the In Hand Date on desktop:

    1. Go to My tickets > Listings
    2. Click on "Edit listing"
    3. Under "You'll have the tickets by," click on "Change date" to open the calendar and select a new date
    4. Click Save
  • Changing the In Hand Date on the StubHub App:

    1. Tap Sell > Active listings
    2. Click on "Tickets in hand"
    3. Choose the new date from the calendar
    4. Click Done

Updating the In Hand Date on a sale

Unfortunately, you cannot change the In Hand Date directly from your profile due to a technical issue with the "Make Changes" feature. Our engineers are actively working to resolve this. 


In the meantime, if you are unable to deliver the tickets on time, please send us email (selecting Sale Support > Change the date to deliver the tickets). Our Support team will review the situation with your buyer. Once confirmed, they will contact you to finalize the resolution. 

IMPORTANT: The buyer has 24 hours to approve the change. If they do not approve within this timeframe, we will charge your credit card according to our Seller Policies.

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