As a platform for individual buyers and sellers to exchange tickets, our transactions are final, so neither the seller nor the buyer can cancel the order on their end.

If you no longer have the tickets you sold or can't provide alternatives, please report it promptly so we can assist the customer in finding a solution. 

Don't have Tickets

Complete our form by selecting Sale Support > Cancellation > Don't have the tickets that I sold. Our Support team will review the case with your buyer, and once confirmed, they will reach out to you to finalize the resolution. 

Please note that due to a technical issue with the "Make Changes" feature, you won’t be able to report this directly from your profile. Our engineers are actively working on fixing this problem.

Since you're unable to fulfill the original ticket order, your credit card may be charged in accordance with our Seller Policies.

Offering Alternative Tickets

If you have other tickets available, please provide us with the details so we can present them to your buyer. The customer will receive an email with the offer, and once accepted, you can send the new tickets. If the buyer declines the new tickets, your credit card on file will be charged as per our Seller Policies.

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