If you fail to deliver the tickets sold, provide incorrect or invalid tickets, or make changes to your ticket listing after a sale, StubHub may charge you fees to cover their costs for resolving the issue. The administrative fees are:

  • £25 per order for events in the UK
  • €25 per order for events in the European Economic Area or listed in EUR
  • $25 per order for events in the US, Canada, or other countries listed in USD

Additionally, StubHub may recover all costs incurred due to unfulfilled orders. They may charge either the price of a comparable replacement ticket (which can exceed the original ticket price) or deduct 40% from the total sale price.

If incorrect tickets are delivered and the buyer keeps them, the seller must cover all costs incurred to keep the order active. These fees apply unless the venue or organizer is responsible for the invalid ticket. StubHub will investigate any reported invalid tickets and work with the seller to resolve the issue.

If you cannot deliver the ticket at least one week before the event, StubHub reserves the right to cancel the sale, recover any payments made, and charge additional fees or impose other consequences as per Claus e 19 of the User Agreement.

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