In most of situations, you'll be able to change the delivery method from your StubHub. It's easy and only takes a few minutes to update.

  1. Go to your sale in your StubHub account
  2. Click on 'Make Changes'
  3. Select 'I need to change the ticket type'
  4. Select the new delivery method and submit it
  5. After waiting 5 minutes, refresh the page to see the change

Are you not able to change it or you don't see the new delivery method?

If you can't change it by yourself, contact us through this form. Make sure you fill out the form correctly. Your request will have a higher chance of being automatically approved.

  • Introduce your email account in StubHub. Double-check this information or your request won't be validated
  • Introduce up to 10 sales at once separating each one by commas. If you introduce more than 1 sale, you'll have the option to either apply the answers below to all sales or answer one by one
  • Indicate if you're ready to deliver the ticket(s)
  • Select the new delivery method for the sale(s). Have questions about which one to choose? Check here
  • If your request is approved, we'll automatically share with your buyer the information you provided, including the new delivery method, platform, files, and/or screenshots.
  • Unless you made a mistake, please do not fill out the form again for the same sale. You may confuse your buyer with different information
  • We recommend you wait for at least one hour after the sale before submitting your request. If waiting isn't feasible, note that manual review will occur during our business hours

Are you not sure about which delivery method you need to choose?

Check this article about the different delivery methods available on our website.

Do you want to change the delivery method of unsold listings?

We explain here how you can do it on your own.

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